About 75% of production is marketed directly by the producers, and the remainder in the general trade.
Release is expected next year, marketed directly and through distributors worldwide.
Music is directly marketed for the motion picture company and is not sold to the general public.
Have you checked out the prices on hard drives that are marketed directly to the pros?
After months of travel and checking into existing services in other cities, he said he was trying to think how to market directly to customers.
Likewise, fishermen themselves could directly market their catch to Manila and command a higher price without so much cost on fuel.
In keeping with a 1971 international treaty, such controlled substances have never been marketed directly to consumers, only to doctors.
Many specialists said that for small businesses, getting the attention of college applicants is the tough part, particularly for companies marketing directly to students.
"But the drug could not be directly marketed for that secondary purpose without a correlating clinical trial."
Doctors are increasingly called health care "providers" as drugs are now marketed directly to patients.