Domestic services commenced following market deregulation by the Philippine government.
Specifically, they call for reforming the "Washington Consensus," which tethers development money to "conditionalities" that include market deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises and trade liberalization by recipient nations.
There was even some antagonism among these generally conservative business executives toward unbridled market deregulation.
Governments were dragging their heels in applying remedies approved last December at the Brussels summit, such as market deregulation and new infrastructure, he said.
However, in many of these other instances the market deregulation occurred without the widespread privatisation that characterised the UK example.
As these companies try to seize the opportunity created by Enron's demise, they must weigh the potential effect of the collapse on the pace and direction of market deregulation.
This market deregulation has made it easier for capital-rich Japanese to invest abroad and influence other markets.
Prosecutors and regulators acknowledge the difficulties of policing the international penny-stock market at a time when the concepts of market deregulation and globalization are all the rage.
In actual fact, much has changed in recent times as a result of market deregulation.
He was a Fulbright scholar at Harvard where he studied market deregulation.