The emerging markets are calling for controls on short-term investments.
Lets hope that the market has called it right - and Tuesday's interim results, were indeed, the bottom.
"But I think we're trying to overcome a reluctance to pay the No. 1 pick the kind of money that today's market calls for."
It is a smaller fraction of the gross floor area than what the private market calls rentable square feet in an office building.
A market for oil to be delivered years later, called the forward market, already exists, but it is a thin one open only to professionals.
"Well, whatever it has been, it is now over; and the market calls you to be gone."
"But it was something the market had been calling for for a long time."
Will these artists produce their best works, or will they produce what the market has called for?
But no matter what happens on Election Day, the market will call the shots in America.
But "the market" doesn't call for this kind of information.