I hope he wins, but only because nearly all the rest of the presidential contenders are markedly worse.
The rumors about his health seemed to have some basis in truth: Corky did look ill, markedly worse in a matter of weeks.
That is fortunate because the Dole bill would have made the welfare system, with all its flaws, markedly worse.
Some hospitals were markedly better than expected and a small number were markedly worse.
There had been a significant drop in productivity in the last few years, and it was getting markedly worse with each service quartile.
Given how ludicrously bad my eyesight is anyway, I doubt that candlelight will make it markedly worse.
Medical professionals theorize that when someone in this state ends up surrounded and then rushed by police officers, things get markedly worse.
Never a candidate for matinee-idol status, Vanadium looked markedly worse than before.
He had been feeling markedly worse of late and admitted an anxiety to get better or be done with life.
Some individuals have vision in one eye that is markedly worse than that in the other.