"The addition of a second strong multinational parent will markedly enhance Consolidated's growth potential."
This demonstrates that M6P/IGF2R allelic loss or haploid insufficiency markedly enhances cell proliferation and/or survival during fetal development.
Calabrese proposed that "the loss of an ability to synthesize ascorbic acid in humans...may have been a critical preadaptation which markedly enhanced the survival of early man with a G6PD deficiency living in a malarial infested environment".
A nodule that markedly enhances and enlarges over time should be considered suspicious for transformation into a subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA).
Here Bush was to oversee a maneuver to markedly enhance the influence of the pro-Zionist wing of the intelligence community.
But many listeners find that technical and monetary extravagance do not markedly enhance their musical pleasure.
Dr. Laga's team said an advance stage of AIDS and a low count of T-4 lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell the AIDS virus kills, "markedly enhance the infectiousness of sexual intercourse."
The presence of alpha-tocopherol did not, however, markedly enhance the uptake of gamma-tocopherol.