Every deputy to the National Assembly must pay, in direct contribution, to the value of a mark of silver.
Each man was paid 8 marks of silver, 12 marks for the helmsman who commanded each ship.
Starting in 1857, vereinsthalers were minted with a mint price of 14 thalers per mark of silver.
They earned an additional six marks of silver from their three mills on the Oddebrook.
A marcate is a piece of land worth one mark of gold or silver yearly.
It will cost you a mark of silver.
The House of Savoy bought the city and surrounding lands again in 1310 for 4,000 marks of silver.
The combat would normally end on the first blood and the winner would receive three marks of silver.
Anund demanded one hundred marks of silver, which was granted.
This amount was estimated to be almost 135,000 marks of silver.