There were servants swarming all over the damned place and he didn't want their lack of marital intimacy on their wedding night to be common knowledge among the staff.
She basked in the marital intimacy, which, as he had reminded her, they hadn't indulged in recently.
These calculations also reveal the correct date for mikvah immersion after which marital intimacy may halachically resume.
Listening to her spate of obstetric and marital intimacies, Henry had realized once again that the disabled were treated as a different breed.
Within a household, family contact and marital intimacies may continue, but without spiritual fellowship such as family Bible study and religious discussions.
I thank Trout for the concept of the man-woman hour as a unit of measurement of marital intimacy.
"All right," he explained "then here is your test: you must practice total abstinence from marital intimacy for three weeks."
Two important spousal factors have been found to have a relationship with father-infant attachment security: marital intimacy and supportive co-parenting.
"Here I thought we were about to have the big father-son dialectic about marital intimacies."
"Believe me, there's nothing prim about marital intimacies, Logan."