Within an unknown number of marriages as yet unbroken, marital harmony cannot always be assumed.
Tsemakh becomes a quiet sort, although marital harmony is still elusive for him.
Some people even credit ballroom dancing with fostering marital harmony.
Not that we profess to be paragons of marital harmony.
It was the name of the Roman goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony.
In some cases, the authority figure may choose a match for purposes other than marital harmony.
But both husband and wife, even with their good intentions, are in for a bumpy ride toward marital harmony.
By contrast, the man with whom White has lived for 10 years in (nonmonogamous) "marital harmony" is mentioned mostly in passing.
You can't use logic to predict marital harmony, Sarek.
And then, at once, I realize that organization is the key to both travel and marital harmony.