The marine lieutenant was wounded in the belly and had been taken below to die.
After a minute, quite deliberately, the marine lieutenant gave him a low-powered blaster shot in the belly.
Four of the marine lieutenant's comrades are captured by Hellman and turned into zombies.
"Bring him along," said Heller to the marine lieutenant.
Even a 28-year-old marine lieutenant, who said his orders were to bar opposition demonstrators, said it was time for a change.
The marine lieutenant was standing beside him, looking at him, waiting.
He had been a marine lieutenant - for three whole months before the chopper crashed - and he was supposed to know what to do!
The young marine second lieutenant commanding the observation post shifted nervously.
The casualty was wounded by a rock when a Caco struck him in the face with it, knocking out two of the marine lieutenant's teeth.
Okay, I was a marine lieutenant once, for-what was it?