"My Lord Dragon..." He stopped, swallowed, and began again in a marginally stronger voice.
Even a marginally stronger dollar would hurt future earnings.
Feeling marginally stronger, he demanded, 'So what the hell happened to the drive?
The wind was marginally stronger in the afternoon.
The expansion creates an even larger European economic entity, at 450 million people more populous by half again than the United States and marginally stronger in economic output.
The continuing decrease in newer art is troublesome, and threatens to make the show stuffy, although this year's version is marginally stronger than last year's.
These interests, the survey found, make women marginally stronger supporters of diplomacy and cooperation in international organizations, while men are more likely to favor military solutions or put a higher priority on trade.
Stock prices rebounded yesterday, helped by a marginally stronger dollar and bond market.
We're expecting that things will be marginally stronger in the last part of the year...The question is are we looking at a fourth quarter recovery?
Retail sales are marginally stronger.