If a window mount is to be used around the picture, you must cut a thick mounting card marginally smaller than the inside measurement of the frame.
Fully grown females in captivity can reach a length of between five and six inches while males tend to be marginally smaller.
Note, too, that this size is marginally smaller than that for which you were asked to quote.
While the attendance was marginally smaller than these sides last encounter the interest was just as great.
It's slightly thicker, with a marginally smaller diameter.
The lunch and dinner menu is the same, with lower prices and marginally smaller portions served at lunch.
Liou was eventually defeated, but by a marginally smaller majority.
The corresponding area contrasts less with the dirty-yellow heads in the marginally smaller females.
The dimensions were marginally smaller than her own quarters aboard Terrible had been, but the furnishings were on an entirely different scale.
Despite its marginally smaller size, Safehold was also a bit more dense than mankind's original home world.