These marginalized people in medieval England were viewed differently in their time, than through the lens of modern days.
The exhibition wants to facilitate social inclusion of marginalized people on a global basis.
In fact, Dialogue in the Dark has as its mission "to facilitate social inclusion of marginalized people on a global basis".
It's like sending the poorest and most marginalized people in our nation to be killed in the name of corporate interests.
They are the most marginalized people.
Ms. Wallace said that among her challenges had been her "assumptions and stereotypes about marginalized people."
"I just have a strong feeling about helping marginalized people wherever they are," Ms. Kelsey-Powell said.
However, women who are another group of marginalized people are able to take advantage of Individual Development Accounts.
Millions of unemployed people, millions of marginalized people are looking to you for action.
It has inspired work for the rights of marginalized people throughout the world.