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And some said they felt the campaign had marginalized them.
By 1888, he had been marginalized in the House as well.
As a result, they say, the Christian community has been marginalized.
Over the longer run, they will help marginalize the party.
I think any kid who has that experience is marginalized.
The people of those states feel harm and are marginalized as a result.
The language is in the process of being marginalized by Russian.
These issues cannot - and must not - be ignored or marginalized.
It is very much marginalized in the area of fisheries.
Her writing focuses on the human experience of women and marginalized groups.
French designers continue to be marginalized in their own country.
Others have simply been marginalized by the nation's narrow focus on getting rich.
"We feel our region is marginalized from the central government.
"I do tend to write about people who've been marginalized or cut off," she said.
She can tell that the old folks are marginalized by the modern society, but together they create a world and a voice of their own.
Abortion, as the academics like to say, is being marginalized.
I mean, people with disabilities are marginalized sexually all the time.
"If we had gone for a foreign bank, that would have marginalized Switzerland as a financial center."
After the war, Spanish became increasingly marginalized at an official level.
But, still many of them are marginalized and taking up janitor jobs.
Many of the people are socially marginalized, living in poverty.
It is no secret that she has occasionally felt marginalized by other Administration officials.
When the conservative movement started in the mid-50's, conservatives were marginalized.
He had been marginalized from positions of government authority and influence during the war.