Newsstands in marginal locations are not cash machines like those on coveted corners.
In marginal locations, this means a roof-mounted directional antenna, which can be pointed toward the desired station.
It is the sort of building - like many others in marginal locations - that demands imagination and daring when selecting an appropriate new use.
"The Ramada is in a marginal location with little hotel activity, and the recession aggravated its problems," said Michael Nocula, who was installed as manager.
The site is typical of marginal locations that test the ingenuity of developers in land-scarce Lower Fairfield County.
But they are being squeezed out of Manhattan by the rising cost of property, even in marginal locations, they say.
This is deduced from the marginal locations of the surviving West Italic niches.
Mr. McIntyre said that, like the temporary sites, the new one is in a marginal location, half a block from the current spot.
"People are being pushed into more marginal locations at night and made to keep moving constantly during daytime by the police," Ms. Brosnahan said.
Provide them with a marginal location and rather ordinary soil, and they will thrive.