He marched to Firaz with a Muslim force and arrived there in the first week of December 633.
He marched north to with a force of 20 knights and 300 men and reached Downpatrick four days later.
Ahmed Shah indignant at this act marched on Thal with a strong force.
He accordingly marched with a large force to Persepolis; the city surrendered and agreed to pay tribute.
Pelopidas marched from Thebes with a force of 400 men to aid the rebels at Tanagra.
General Monk marched from Dublin with a strong force and siege train, and sat down before the castle (1642).
He marched with a small force up the river Jihan towards his objective.
Early in July the king marched northwards with a force to support them.
Colonel Hathorn assumed command and marched for the Delaware with a force of about 120 minutemen.
Charles, now commander of the military strength of the kingdom, marched with a large force to subdue Hunold and his supporters.