Earlier this morning, the restless schoolgirl marched for an hour along the inner-city ring road protesting, among other things, the six-day school week.
But today she was among thousands who marched through the streets of this city protesting a visit by President Bush.
A few weeks earlier, I'd marched around the administration building protesting some policy or other.
Bahraini police fired tear gas at peaceful demonstrators as a few hundred people marched across the country on Friday protesting a government ban on public gatherings.
On Monday, 100,000 supporters of Ayatollah Sistani marched through Baghdad protesting the coalition's plans.
After Piskun's dismissal, thousands of protesters marched to his office in Kiev protesting his dismissal.
On Nov. 18, about 50,000 demonstrators marched through Bucharest protesting the economic deterioration.
More than half a million people march on the streets of Caracas protesting against the Venezuelan government.
People march in Washington protesting various assaults against the first two unalienable rights, life and liberty.
She frequently opposed Mr. Pataki's positions in public (marching with New York tenants protesting his efforts to eliminate most forms of rent regulation).