Today's demonstration came a day after at least 150,000 people marched through Leipzig demanding political change.
They then marched demanding the dissolution of the Communist Party.
By contrast, a group of 100 unemployed men marched on Frankfort demanding financial relief.
They march to the Town Hall demanding arms.
She began by joining in the crowd of ten thousand women who marched to Versailles demanding food.
One thousand protesters marched through the East Village demanding the city withdraw support for the film.
Nearly 5,000 workers marched in Tehran demanding higher pay and better job security.
Women demonstrated and marched demanding the right to vote and to hold office.
Impoverished veterans marched in the streets demanding jobs, the nationalization of industries, and compensation for their military service.
Homosexuals and lesbians, disgusting people marching in our streets demanding all sorts of things, including the right to marry each other.