But they still kept on, ever toward the west, crossing hideous gorges and marching across the face of a burning land beneath the pitiless sun.
Locke winced to think at how those must have felt, marching back and forth beneath the sun's merciless consideration for hours on end.
She pushed past the girls and marched over to the wastepaper bin beneath the sink.
It quivered there, a graphic demonstration of exactly how far Alexia's troops would have to march beneath its range.
The sea marched ashimmer beneath a low moon.
It would do them good to march beneath a standard.
I loved the parades; I wept when the other kids marched beneath our window without me.
Instead, on the ground, he marched beneath a flag of white.
They marched beneath sullen clouds in a tropical downpour.
Here, seasons of unfathomable extremes march beneath a mountain known as The Great One.