She spat on his lovely, marbled floor.
Things fell with a distant clatter onto the marbled floor below.
They reached the bottom of the stairs and started to tiptoe across the marbled floor in the direction Babington had taken.
He saw her coming toward them now, dressed in black, moving with a slow, steady pace over the marbled floors and between the marble columns.
H took Clavain downstairs, back to the marbled floor.
In the silence the two discreet raps on the marbled floor sounded like echoing thunder.
She knew this hall well, with its huge fire and its marbled floor.
The two pretty girls at the reception desk in the entrance lobby with its marbled floors and columns burst into radiant smiles.
She crossed the lobby, her heels clacking on the marbled floor, and took out her key.
It was supplemented with teakwood furniture, marbled floor, and decorative windows.