The industrial look makes brief appearances in the 1910 building, which was once used by marble cutters.
Like his father, he began working as a marble cutter in Delphos, Ohio.
Born in Montreal, Quebec, at age nine he began working with his father as a marble cutter.
He first followed the trade of a marble cutter with his father in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where the family moved.
His brother Fotios was a marble cutter.
At an early age he worked with a marble cutter, but in 1780 was articled to an architect.
According to the 1880 United States Census, Patrick worked as a marble cutter.
Then, "carvers of gravestone were known as marble manufacturers or marble cutters.
He worked initially as a marble cutter, and his background in sculptural workmanship would help mold his architecture.
He was born to a family of marble cutters and sculptors.