His gray marble crypt is topped by a figure of Gabriel, the trumpeter-angel, sculpted in 1997 by Russian-born sculptor Alexei Kazantsev.
Led by the Hardings, a procession descended to a marble crypt just beneath the amphitheater.
The main portion of the interior, built in a basilican style with multiple aisles, contains approximately four hundred concrete and marble crypts, and the building's wings house individual family crypts.
It was consecrated on 8 December 806; two local hermits, Benignus and Carus, were assigned the task of translating Zeno's relics to a new marble crypt.
The wall of polished marble crypts reflects me full-length among the epitaphs.
It is a bucolic haven where the rolling swards are tended by uniformed gardeners and the marble crypts are reminiscent of a grander age.
Finally, at the end of a row of simple headstones just past a towering mango tree, sits a shadowed marble crypt carved in the shape of a scroll.
Three bodies are buried, but four names are inscribed on the marble crypt: William (Billy) Mantle, 1957-1994 Mickey Charles Mantle, 1931-1995.
His skin was as cold as the marble crypt at Blackbriar, his body hard and unyielding.
Under glass, in a marble crypt, with stage lights shining in, lay a vast mountain of skulls and bones.