To date, Gottlieb is the only editor included in the marathon series of writer interviews conducted and published by The Paris Review.
Petra Marathon is a part of the extreme marathon series hosted by Adventure Marathon.
They and their new coach Alejandro Sabella have a marathon series of qualifiers in which to whip a new team into shape.
Mr. Schickele repairs to St. Paul three times a year for marathon series of radio tapings.
The second novel will follow Initiate's Trial and Song of the Mysteries will conclude the marathon series.
Mr. Lazio showed no such reticence yesterday in a marathon series of television interviews.
Marathon Meetings Then, during a marathon series of meetings over the weekend, Drexel struggled to find a merger partner.
Just reaching the Australian island of Tasmania, our launching point, required a marathon series of airplane flights.
By the time Gregory wrapped things up, I was feeling a bit better about the marathon series of debates, including the two I had just watched.
But in the run-up to the marathon series of meetings, including three summits, perhaps more, this week, it has been clear that the UK is an "out".