In any case, in seeking its permit, Parkview did not rely on the zoning change or on the map accompanying it.
A map accompanying an article yesterday about plans for the Hudson River waterfront incorrectly located the areas where real estate development would be banned.
The map accompanying your article clearly indicates this.
The next known mention of Wier Mill was in 1810 when the mill was marked on the map accompanying the enclosure award.
Despite the heavy fire from the heights (shown on the Chilean military map accompanying this article to be heldby the Bolivians), the landing force started to return fire.
The results of this survey, which was continued during two summers, are embodied in the map accompanying Agassiz's "Systeme Glaciaire."
On page 407 it suddenly appears, without any previous introduction; a map accompanying the book is where the island made its first cartographic appearance.
The map accompanying Mr. Darwin's paper in the "Phil.
Subsequently Arrowsmith made use of his data to draw a map accompanying his book on the expedition.
The accidents or misunderstandings that be- devilled its representation on the map accompanying The Lord of the Rings are detailed in Unfinished Tales pp.