The Doheny collection was one of many huge book and manuscript holdings assembled between the two world wars.
In 1887 he was elected librarian in Trinity and, in 1900, completed catalogues of the library's manuscript holdings.
Important manuscript holdings document topics such as literature, politics, and women's history.
The three foundation collections are those which were brought together to form the initial manuscript holdings of the British Museum in 1753:
Harry Ransom founded the Humanities Research Center in 1957 with the ambition of expanding the rare books and manuscript holdings of the University of Texas.
Women's rights movements past and present, feminism, health and sexuality, social reform, and the education of women and girls are core manuscript holdings.
They maintained that the fund, which belongs to a nationalized British company, should keep its book and manuscript holdings in Britain, selling them to British museums and archives.
The collection dates from 1926 when Victor Records donated over 400 discs to the Library's Music Division to supplement its print and manuscript holdings.
The manuscript holdings expanded considerably during his tenure from 1954 to 1989.
In 1988 the Society started monthly historic sites tours and began a computerized guide to manuscript holdings in Utah.