"I didn't realize that Newell wasn't even measuring manufacturing productivity, let alone trying to improve it."
In 1991, productivity rose about 3 per cent, which compared favourably with total Scottish manufacturing productivity, down more than 1 per cent.
But even this productivity explosion did not bring the average level of European and Japanese manufacturing productivity up to that of the United States (figure 10.6).
Relative manufacturing productivity, 1952-70 (percentage of US level).
The company credited its performance to improved manufacturing productivity and savings in administrative, marketing and research and development costs.
But he noted that American manufacturing productivity had improved over the last few years.
America's manufacturing productivity now limps along at 1 percent per year, far less than historic figures of 2.5 or 3 percent.
American manufacturing productivity is greater than that of other major industrial countries.
The ICAM program identified the need for better analysis and communication techniques for people involved in improving manufacturing productivity.
This year, for example, wages were allowed to rise by 7 percent, while the economy last year grew by 12.5 percent and manufacturing productivity by 13.6 percent.