For the second consecutive year, manufacturers in Texas and Louisiana released more toxic chemicals into the environment than any other states in 1989.
A few manufacturers have released electric cars, but not everyone can afford a Nissan Leaf.
So manufacturer should release their new inventions directly and don't wait until they can earn more money by waiting for the "second wave".
In the last year other manufacturers such as Comlan have released similar units.
Many independent ski manufacturers such as Armada also release outerwear lines.
Many plastic manufacturers throughout Canada and the US have released products indicated as being compostable.
Look at Samsung's track record with updates if you have any doubt that manufacturers might not release software fixes for hardware after it's released.
Several manufacturers have released bottom-freezer models that have two doors, instead of only one.
But that day remains a long way off, even though manufacturers are releasing so many new models it is hard to keep track.
Many manufacturers have designed and released hand-powered recumbent trikes, or handcycles.