Sometimes manufacturers or retailers refer to tungsten carbide as a metal, but it is a ceramic.
Some modern manufacturers, such as Audi, have recently referred to some concept cars as shooting brakes.
Some manufacturers refer to their close-up lenses as diopters, after the unit of measurement of their optical power.
By standardizing the colors, different manufacturers in different locations can all refer to the Pantone system to make sure colors match without direct contact with one another.
The aircraft's nomenclature is unclear as the manufacturer variously refers to it as the GT500, GT 500 and the GT-500.
The manufacturer refers to it as a "roadster," but in technical terms it is more of what has been traditionally called a trike.
The manufacturer has also referred to the locomotive type as the Bombardier Kiruna.
In Czech the manufacturer refers to itself as Kubíček Aircraft but in English they call themselves Kubicek Aircraft.
The manufacturers refer to 'Newtons/ Decatex'.
Though eSATAp connectors have been built into several devices, manufacturers do not refer to an official standard.