The manufacturer may modify, substitute or delete the tests and inspections defined herein.
To enhance the "halo model" effect of these models, the manufacturers modified some of them into turn-key drag racers.
Any small manufacturer can lease the design for free, modify it as desired, and build their own version of the vehicle.
When drift net gear was banned, manufacturers modified the design of the nets so they no longer fell under the that definition.
Athrex, Brown-Instratek, Linvatek and other manufacturers modified the original one or two portal systems for endoscopic carpal tunnel release.
Therefore, various manufacturers have modified or extended the BS 4822 standard:
Sometimes, the manufacturer modifies the facing so that it is fire-resistant.
Several manufacturers modify street motorcycles to make them more dirt worthy.
Some manufacturers have already modified small cars to meet the standards by moving the catalytic converters forward, snug against the engine, to warm up faster.
The manufacturer is modifying its vehicles to reduce the amount of pollution they generate.