While manufacturers acknowledge that vaccine prices rose sharply in the early 1980's they say they have leveled off in the last four years.
But many manufacturers acknowledge that the main problem is that they simply underestimated the demand.
The laser welding system has its problems, manufacturers acknowledge.
But until recently, manufacturers and regulators barely acknowledged them.
The manufacturer acknowledges that the tiles will need to be replaced every 17 years or so.
But over the past 10 years, federal government officials and manufacturers themselves have acknowledged flaws in the design.
But as local manufacturers acknowledge, it has been a slow path to maturity, and some Indian companies are only beginning to emerge as reliable suppliers.
However, the six major manufacturers acknowledge, as they have not often done in the past, that personal watercraft can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
But with the exception of the auto industry, manufacturers acknowledge that they are stopping short of formal guarantees.
The manufacturer acknowledges the design limitations of this engine, warning pilots: