The Standard was an American automobile manufactured between 1904 and around 1908.
By its design, it is estimated to have been manufactured around 1920.
Many of these models are still manufactured and sold around the world today.
The steel buses were manufactured from 1957 up until around 1970.
Additionally, various models are manufactured locally around the globe.
De Wandre, manufactured around 1923, and known as "the elegant spider"
Some very sensitive headphones such as those manufactured by Brandes around 1919 were commonly used for early radio work.
Everyone involved was so pleased with the finished product that they decided to pay for 500 copies to be manufactured for distribution around London.
Rather it seems that the currency began being manufactured in the specific form of the kissi penny around 1880.
The various components are manufactured by different suppliers around the world, and assembled in our factory in Mexico.