At the beginning of the 20th century, petroleum was a minor resource used to manufacture lubricants and fuel for kerosene and oil lamps.
Owned by more than 300,000 farmers since 1923, the cooperative purchases, manufactures or processes feed, seed, fertilizer, farm supplies and fuel.
In advance of the Iranian elections on Friday, Tehran has insisted that it will never give up its right to manufacture nuclear fuel.
In 1971, following a period when the activities were managed as a trading fund, British Nuclear Fuels was created as a separate publicly-owned company to manufacture and reprocess nuclear fuel.
The probe is still valuable, though it can no longer manufacture fuel.
The U.S. does not currently manufacture mixed-oxide fuel, but is funding research in this type of reactor fuel as a means of dealing with excess plutonium in U.S. stockpiles.
- Further development of technologies to manufacture fuel and oxidizer out of Martian materials.
The company will expand availability to other areas in the West where it markets gasoline in several years, once its ability to manufacture reformulated fuel is enlarged.
South Africa has no exploitable oil reserves, although because of sanctions it does manufacture fuel from coal and natural gas.
cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb," and that "any attack Manufactures fuel for its 200-Mwt.