It was manufactured and sold for six years and, during this time, changed appearance several times.
The company manufactured both large and small appliances for many years.
Its smooth creamy paper, a little yellowed by age, was of a kind that had not been manufactured for at least forty years past.
All products and graphics must be designed, in production or manufactured for at least 2 years before the contest title year.
The company specialises in binoculars and has been manufacturing them for over 60 years.
The parts, which he said had not been manufactured for 20 years, were brand new.
Porcelein pipes, beginning in 1969 and manufactured for about 15 years.
It was manufactured for two years, 1976 and 1977, with at least 400 being manufactured.
I also know that these particular guns have not been manufactured for over five hundred years.
There would be no long range aircraft manufactured for many years.