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A few rural areas were still served by manual exchanges.
Delhi's first telephone system with manual exchange was established in 1911.
Instead it concentrated on squeezing the most sales out of manual exchange designs.
These were usually on long rural lines served by small manual exchanges, which were not "common battery".
The phone service arrived in, and consisted of a manual exchange located in the Post Office.
A white cottage was formerly a telephone exchange, reputedly the last manual exchange in England.
The manual exchange served most of the Chew valley and even East Dundry.
Before a manual exchange was converted to automatic, changes to numbers for PBX stepping groups were required.
As the modernization of the telecommunication system progresses, manual exchanges are gradually being replaced with digital exchanges.
The first one was installed at Broughton, Preston in 1964 as a field trial replacing Broughton's manual exchange.
The manual exchange which it replaced was kept on standby for several months, until sufficient operational confidence was developed in the TXE2.
Customers were given seven-digit numbers, with the first three digits spelling out the (local) exchange name; this expidited call handling particularly to and from manual exchanges.
This strike not only affected the postal service, but also closed down the phone service in those parts of the country still on manual exchanges, including Durrus.
This phase was characterized with the manual exchange of payments, with settlements based on NET balance between debit and credit.
However, the problem was on manual exchanges the calls were answered first-come-first-served, which meant on busy exchanges, emergency calls could be delayed.
The Los Angeles urban manual exchange THornwall 6 in Burbank operated until the late 1950s.
The issue of manual exchange will, by definition, be resolved definitively on 1 January 2002, but there will be no automatic progress with regard to transfers.
In 1970 the Post Office was run in conjunction with Telecom as one of the last manual exchanges in Australia.
In Venezuela, it helped create an electronic stock exchange, the Bolsa Electronica, that now operates in tandem with a manual exchange.
Compared with manual exchange of documents, the advantages of a reliable EDI system are in terms of labour saving and reduction of errors.
From the communist era Poland inherited an underdeveloped and outmoded system of telephones, with some areas (e.g. in the extreme South East) being served by manual exchanges.
Later call indicator working equipment was installed at some manual exchanges so that the caller could dial all seven digits, and the required number would be displayed to the local operator.
Rural and regional areas typically relied on manual exchanges, or only one automatic exchange for the whole town, so rural and regional numbers did not feature these letter prefixes.
CN inherited a mixture of switching technologies, some dial exchanges (Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Smith), some manual exchanges (Dawson City).
The current exchange building, which was extended at the front in the 1980s, was built for a field trial of Plessey's new 5005A crossbar exchange in 1964 replacing Broughton's manual exchange.