All indicators of overworked staff, apathetic response to customers' wishes, ineffectual manpower levels, poor workmanship, point towards crisis management situations.
Since the formation of Foster Wheeler Wood Group six years ago, the Company enjoyed its most successful year with manpower levels peaking at over 500 personnel.
Wood Group Industrial Controls completed the Sizewell contract early in the year and resumed its previous lower manpower levels.
The Pentagon doesn't need to maintain even current manpower levels.
The House members, who flew back to Washington after the meeting with Mr. Mubarak, announced upon arriving that much higher manpower levels were needed in the gulf.
However, manpower levels were low; the tank divisions were reported to be at an establishment of 2,193 each and the 166th Motor Rifle Brigade at 3,638.
Specialising in engineering design relating to existing offshore installations, the company's manpower levels reached over 500 personnel on a number of design projects.
Emphasis was placed on improved management of DoD-wide intelligence production, but reduced resources threatened to have a negative impact on Agency objectives and manpower levels.
Later, the vision was to establish two armoured divisions, as lower manpower levels became more pronounced.
"And in the winter, our manpower levels are pretty much absorbed by road and front-country operations."