Although nominally cavalry, many of the drafts ended up being converted into infantry in order to satisfy the manpower demands of trench warfare.
The organisation was disbanded in 1947, but was reestablished in 1951 in response to the manpower demand caused by Cold War commitments.
Later, manpower demands and fiscal constraints resulted in this training being consolidated at one location-Hondo, Texas.
By then, the manpower demands of World War II had opened up many technical positions.
Also to meet the manpower demand, Nagpur University has given sanction to 43 new Engineering colleges in and around Nagpur only.
However, the component battalions were separated and reassigned to different divisions to meet manpower demands.
Slaves were employed only in times of pressing manpower demands or extreme emergency, and even then, they were freed first.
Even before the retirement wave, manpower demands will increase in the next year or two because of changes in handling traffic over the Atlantic, experts say.
In New Zealand, there was still lingering resentment at the manpower demands being placed upon the country, compared to those made on Australia and Canada.
It is responsible for recalling reservists to meet sudden spikes in military manpower demand, as for war, rebellion or natural disaster.