The manor came into the possession of Henry de Blackburn, who divided it between his two sons.
At some point the manor came to be owned by the Bentley family.
The manor then came under the control of Ilbert de Lacy.
With some notable exceptions, the smaller manors are coming round to the view that Staniel should be deposed and replaced.
The manor came into the hands of the Perkyns family around 1411.
The manor was coming down around him, but he couldn't leave it until he had taken care of his people.
These estates included land and a windmill and the manors came with responsibility of operating the local court.
The manor eventually to came into the possession of the Nevill family in the 14th century until 1480, when they were surrendered to the Crown.
The manor eventually came into the Marsh family who made money from the silk and textile industries.
In 1765 the manor came into the possession of the actor David Garrick.