They were assembled and recounted in a manner designed to entertain the reader.
The renovations were done in a manner designed to uphold the historic significance of the building's architecture.
"He wasn't killed at the scene, and he was left there in a manner designed to indicate a ritual killing."
If the state acts in a manner not designed to promote social solidarity then, Duguit argued, this must be resisted.
He lowered his voice in an intimate manner designed to be as disconcerting as possible.
"We were never behind the iron curtain," said a woman named Petra, in a manner designed to close all further communication.
A classic modern house in the Georgian manner designed by his practice can be bought before it is built.
Likewise any project or assignment needs a system of control to ensure that it proceeds in the manner designed.
They murder Arthur in a manner designed to resemble suicide.
Expert does not introduce any other frets to learn, but adds more notes in a manner designed to challenge the player.