I am very happy for the chance to be the first German to take part in this manned space flight.
That could force the agency to make some agonizing choices that will affect the future of the manned space program and of space science.
Quietly at the ready for all manned space missions, they were suddenly called to prominence.
Much of what NASA does in manned space is socialism.
The National Aeronautic and Space Administration's planned manned space station will cost $30 billion.
Arnold, how soon could we send up a manned space 'shot to look this thing over.'
The two Voyagers have cost a mere $556 million, compared with $24 billion for the proposed manned space station.
China's manned space program: what is that all about?
NASA's 20-year investment in manned space since Apollo will have yielded a pitiful return.
In the 1960's, manned space travel was an extension of the cold war.