Opticution is the term given to the damaging beyond viability of biological samples that are manipulated via optical traps, most commonly optical tweezers.
Movements by Mr. Jones, captured through digital technology, are manipulated via a large-screen computer projection of an original virtual dance set to words and music by the choreographer.
These entities are manipulated via functions, which include the built-in functions that come with Q (which are actually defined as K macros) and user-defined functions.
Later his limbs are manipulated by the show's four other performers, via long metal rods.
Java lacks compound value types, such as structs in C, bundles of data that are manipulated directly instead of indirectly via references.
For this reason, shots intended to be manipulated via optical printer were often shot on larger film formats than the rest of the project.
In C++ all types have value semantics, but a reference can be created to any type, which will allow the object to be manipulated via reference semantics.
The material had to be manipulated via stainless-steel robotic aims, controlled from outside the hot cell, at the panel of dials, gauges, and levers where an operator sat.
These localized resources exist within the Clock's application bundle and may be manipulated via the UI shown above.
In newer versions, breakpoint times and amplitudes may be manipulated further via MIDI controllers, as well as by curvature of the envelope line between breakpoints.