He wields the power to manipulate both humans and Legendz.
As the plot unfolds, something truly evil is discovered on board - an alien biological life form which can psychologically manipulate humans.
But they underestimated the scope of the phenomenon and its ability to manipulate humans and generate propaganda.
Unlike her father, Lily tries not to attack or manipulate humans.
It can manipulate humans by vomiting a very strong Spider's Thread of magic from the mouth.
Alien invaders manipulate humans for millennia in order to create the "post-ecological-catastrophe environment" that is their natural habitat.
Monster that he is, his ability to manipulate humans is most remarkable.
It is misleading to suggest that the object of this patent is to genetically manipulate humans.
Given its ability to control mosquitoes, scientists have wondered whether the plasmodium may also be able to manipulate humans.
He was a Pierson's puppeteer, with a record a mile long for manipulating humans to his own ends.