Second, it was difficult to manipulate individual characters within a word in a portable fashion.
However, subtly manipulating characters like Alexander Luthor, Jr., and Booster Gold to recreate the Multiverse made the Source Wall less impenetrable.
This Kingpin is fairly close to the comics version, but he is often occupied with manipulating superpowered characters to do his bidding.
Alexander's greatest talent is his genius-level intellect which he uses to manipulate other characters, outwit his enemies and engineer the Multiverse Tower.
He also looks to be a master of stage craft, subtly manipulating his audience and characters with dramatic reversals, before arriving at an ending that is inevitable, surprising and loaded with pity and fear.
Depth of characterization and consistency, however, are not really required here; Murdoch is often manipulating characters to illustrate ideas.
He is also very capable of devising intricate, Machiavellian schemes, manipulating other characters to his own ends.
The player manipulates characters along grid-based battlefields, upon which the characters may interact with objects, enemies, and other characters that are within their range.
This version tends to emphasize the complex psychological drama that unfolds in which Chamberlain (as Dantes) manipulates characters until the final swordfight with Curtis (as Mondego).
But what becomes clear from this exhibition is just how extensively Bingham manipulated characters, locales and figural arrangements, as if he were a director moving players and props around a stage.