Should the government of any country manifestly fail in this responsibility, the UN has resolved to act collectively to stop the immediate manifestations of these crimes.
Despite a budget of £100m and a staff of nearly 3,500, she manifestly failed to provide social workers with the support and compassion required.
After a brief interlude in which the multilateral response to the initial banking crisis seemed to be working, it is now manifestly failing.
The coup having manifestly failed, William ordered a general retreat.
There may be grounds to pursue the French suppliers for contributions to costs, or even the French government, who manifestly failed to regulate them.
That is what American Governments have been doing for decades, as the drug problem grew worse and the policy of prohibition manifestly failed to solve it.
Yet what is missing from this report is any indication of why the Commission failed so manifestly in its duty.
But it is what Europe's leaders are manifestly failing to provide.
The promise was given that negotiations would be suspended if Turkey was manifestly failing to meet its obligations.
Our leaders are manifestly failing us.