Their powers manifest primarily in forms of telekinesis, which they can use to snatch objects from people or to manifest lengths of chain from their native realm to ensnare and rend their victims into pieces.
Auditory agnosia is a form of agnosia that manifests primarily in the inability to recognize or differentiate between sounds.
The school maintains an ongoing rivalry with nearby Baylor School, which primarily manifests itself in athletic competitions such as football.
After discovering in his library research 5-alpha-reductase deficiency, an autosomal recessive condition manifested primarily in inbred, insulated population groups, his perception of the novel significantly changed.
Mental breakdown (also known as a nervous breakdown) is an acute, time-limited phase of a specific disorder that manifests primarily with features of depression or anxiety.
Worldbeat is akin to World fusion and Global fusion, each of which primarily manifest as a blend of ethnic music tradition and Western, popular music.
Its quirky sense of humor manifests primarily in the characters' distinctive dialogue.
The degree of iodine deficiency was milder and manifested primarily as thyroid enlargement rather than severe mental and physical impairment.
The issue primarily manifests as an economic necessity, as demographic and labour market trends indicate that European societies need immigrant labour.
She is a freelance marketing consultant, a coolhunter with an unusual intuitive sensitivity for branding, manifested primarily in her physical aversion to particular logos and corporate mascots.