The fellow's face, livid with insane rage and, possibly, jealousy, was twitching violently, accentuating the maniacal expression that it habitually wore.
Brother Justice looked into that maniacal expression and saw the result of contact with such a creature clearly etched on Dosey's face.
He bets the three and wins, upsetting the others with his maniacal expression.
One of the trademarks of Bull Curry was his "wildman" look with bushy eyebrows, maniacal facial expressions and insane eyes that could scare the crowd just by looking at them.
As time progressed, he saw that it was a drawing of Raven, in loincloth and full war paint, a ferocious, even maniacal expression on his face, at the controls of an idealized spaceship.
Brother Justice had no idea where this conversation was going, had no idea what to make of the man's sudden, almost maniacal expression.
The man in white was there, clutching a carving knife in his right hand, a maniacal expression contorting his face as he stabbed at the Cavalryman's chest.
His maniacal expression turned to surprise.
Her face took on an ugly, maniacal expression, and the hand holding the riding crop twitched.
Generally about 6 inches tall, each figure stands on a flat base in a fixed, "demented" pose-complete with bulging, bloodshot eyes and maniacal expression.