I lay on my bed, and I slammed my cane into my mangled foot with all my might and.
Roland Weary died-of gangrene that had started in his mangled feet.
But he was still the aggressor, and he continued his advance toward Pitt, dragging his mangled foot behind him.
I was pulling a pillowcase off the bed, wadding it against her mangled foot, trying to stanch the blood spewing everywhere.
By the shine of excitement in the scholastic's eyes, Farrokh could tell that the boy with the mangled foot was sufficiently inspiring to Martin Mills.
His gaze roved to me, as if he were about to signal to me to let loose; and I half-started forward, releasing the mangled foot under my foot.
Al was in pitiful shape; his mangled feet hadn't been treated; there wasn't the least sign of disinfectant or bandages on them.
Dropped into the alley, a curse exploding from him as his mangled, half-grown foot struck the pavement.
Not on those mangled feet.
She stroked the shin above the mangled foot, not looking at it.