In 1950 s the main economic activity of the settlement was services in manganese mines around.
There is also a manganese mine at Awaso a suburb of Tarkwa.
It contains a manganese mine which was opened in 1962 by the French and closed in 1979.
There is an old, abandoned manganese mine on the northwestern slopes of the peak.
In 2004, a proposal surfaced to link the manganese mines by rail with the seaports of Ghana.
When the railway reached the manganese mine at Moanda, the Cableway was closed.
The city was founded in 1883 as a mining town named Prychepylivtsi near a manganese mine which still dominates the life of the city.
The group "would have perished", but one of its members hiked non-stop for twenty four hours to a manganese mine where he contacted rescuers.
I know that you have a manganese mine and I know where it is.
However, he sailed to Sweden in 1833, to lay out new roads for a manganese mine near Jönköping which a friend had bought.