With any luck, he'd be going too slow to maneuver quickly out of Tombstone's way.
Padilla quickly maneuvered to get a spot on Portugal's team.
There were three of them, maneuvering quickly to station themselves at equal intervals around the crater.
Next, the earth blaster was maneuvered into place and quickly set up.
The lighter weight made the ships of cedar faster and more able to maneuver quickly.
It broke the spell; Dana maneuvered quickly, to make sure she wasn't in anyone's line of fire.
The player must maneuver quickly and precisely in order to force opponents to run into walls.
On the other hand, the ability to maneuver quickly and freely is essential to the troops' effectiveness.
Dashing is used to avoid enemy fire, or to maneuver quickly around the stage.
This device allows a user to maneuver quickly without overshooting the target.