The managers select the fund's 100 to 120 stocks from companies with market capitalizations of $500 million to $10 billion.
A manager must select benchmarks in order to analyze changes from baseline operations.
They also say corporate managers themselves - who have an interest in higher pay - are selecting which companies make it into a peer group.
In a "Salary Cap League", a salary is assigned to each player before the manager selects his team.
Now, the managers only select the starting pitcher from among those pitchers already elected by the players.
The managers also select the remainder of the roster spots except for the final spot while ensuring that each team has at least one representative.
When, say, a new employee joins a company, the employee's manager can log into a web-based catalog and select the services needed.
The managers select the 25 to 35 stocks in the fund from about 1,800 mostly American companies with market capitalizations of more than $1 billion.
The manager then selects investments according to the written policy of the board and with an eye toward continued liquidity, safety and yield.
We've also eliminated red tape so hiring managers can view and select more applicants.