The accord would be a significant step toward resolving past management missteps, analysts said.
But there have been other management missteps.
Beyond the increasing competitive environment, however, analysts and stockholders say Loehmann's suffered from repeated management missteps.
The economic slowdown in 2001 and a series of management missteps brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy.
Some critics attribute the company's circumstances to management missteps.
Now that T.W.A. is again talking about a possible bankruptcy, many creditors point to that overly optimistic plan and to several management missteps.
Mr. Singer denied allegations of management missteps.
But they also acknowledged management missteps.
Like the Rangers, the Knicks performed abysmally in the early 2000s and have yet to recover, which fans mostly blame on Dolan's management missteps.
Citicorp managed it, however, with huge loan losses, big employee cutbacks and rumors about management missteps.