The centre hosts more than 75 (full-time and part-time) professors and researchers in key management disciplines.
That management discipline is regarded as one of the strengths of the company.
Project management became recognized as a distinct discipline arising from the management discipline with engineering model.
The strategic management discipline originated in the 1950s and 1960s.
It is an emerging management discipline: a skill set for the measurement and communication of non-financial value.
The shop steward warns the men to tone it down or risk management discipline.
They are offered to students in the 3rd year so as to strengthen their theoretical knowledge in the main management disciplines:
This basic management discipline will drastically reduce illegitimate absences, particularly duvet days around the weekends.
For students interested in getting a specialized degree in one of these management disciplines.
The basic management discipline of 'plan-do-review' is absent the further down the organisation one goes".